Our Service Department is AMAZING! — But
Sooner or Later Its Time to TradeThe good thing about buying a quality commercial pressure washer is that the techs at Master Blaster can keep them running like new for years to come. But sooner or later it’s time to trade up.
Master Blaster Takes Trade-ins!
– We Even Buy quality Used Units!
If your old unit is spending too much time visiting our shop, or if your needs have changed, Master Blaster has your next pressure washer. We’ll give you top dollar trade-in value for your old unit and a great price on your new one. In fact, we’ll even flat out buy your used unit if it’s in decent shape. Give us a call and lets talk about it.
We’ve Also Got Used Pressure Washers – So Good We Give You A Warranty!
We sell a lot of pressure washers, and when we get a trade-in, we’ll send it through the shop, run it through our 37 point quality checklist, and fix anything that’s worn out. We’re so sure they’re ready to work that we give you a 90 Day – 100% Parts and Labor Warranty.
When you sell a lot of pressure washers, like we do here at Master Blaster, you end up taking in some trade-ins. When we get a used pressure washer, we send it through the service department where they do a 37 point checklist to make sure the washer is in great shape. Then we snap a picture of it and put it here.
Used Pressure Washers
Our Used Pressure Washer Warranty
Because our check is so thorough, we offer a 90 Day – 100% Parts and Labor Warranty on all our used pressure washers – hot or cold.
Take a Look
Maybe your next used pressure washer is for sale below. (And it never hurts to call even if it isn’t listed, it may still be in the shop being tuned up before it we put it on the website.) Just choose either hot or cold water washers below and take a look.